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Monday, 14 May 2012

Build up... Break down!

Little bit of progress.

 Section one of the deviding wall between the livingroom and bedroom is up, the beams are resting on it, and 3 temporary blocks to support the third beam for the time being.
 Picture from the livingroom side.
 The rest of the chimney and wall has been removed, temporarily propping up the other beams incase they decided to go walkies, but thankfully they stayed in place perfectly fine.

The final wall that needs to come down, mud and rocks along with the odd brick, the main brick section is the recess from the other side where the electrical (wooden) fusebox lives, which will need moving slightly.
Ceiling render knocked off, very hard work they must have gone nuts with extra nails and wire on this one, took most of the day to remove it, its where the main roof meets a lean-too roof above the lounge area to be.

Roof-beams propped up in lounge ready for dismantling the wall that supports them.

 And the "lean too" or "cling too" as I like to call it.
Its been fine for 50 years, but It needs some attention.
There is wind-driven rain coming in next to the big window, so that needs attention, but that's not the major concern.

The major concern is shown above... a piece of metal angle iron which is tacked onto the main roof beams with some nails, however the main roof beams ends are disintegrating, the whole metal bit is wobbly, and its only perhaps 2cm of a ledge.

Add to that this above... notice the big roof beam on the left, both nails missed it of the edging board, and you can see daylight coming in.
And follow the edging board back to the right, you will notice another 2 nails which are in thin air.

It will require beefing up, I can't believe this roof is still up with the weight of snow in the winter!

Oh well, onwards we go! :)

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