Few pictures to keep it rolling :)
All the render knocked off the wall between the bedroom to be and livingroom to be, you're looking at the old chimney within the wall here.
and to the right of the last image.
Started knocking down, you can see the roof beams supported slightly by acro props, although they don't actually need supporting as the beams are tied into each-other, better safe than sorry!
Different angle.
I managed to get the whole wall to swing in and out when pushing against it, almost like jelly.. not very strong!
And where the chimney used to be at until late this morning when it vanished, also more acro props helping support the roof beams just in case the joint holding the beams together decides it no longer wants to work.
And the wall between the lounge to be and the livingroom to be, the hole in the wall is where the electrical fuse box thingymebob with spaghetti is on the other side, I removed the wiring for the livingroom to be so I could work on the wall safely. The old chimney is on the left.
My ever growing stack of nice clean re-usable bricks which I'm sure will come in handy at some point :) My girlfriend has finished her studies so has been helping cleaning the bricks up from old mortar. (all the top ones are from the chimney stack above the wall)
And another hatch quickly created to keep the rain out. It started raining lightly just as we were removing the last bricks off the roof where the chimney used to stick out.
Onwards we go!
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